Prince Harry finally decides to support the Royal Family as he moves back to...

Prince Harry praised for his best decision to support the Royal Family Prince Harry is praised for his sensible step to avoid further tensions with the Royal Family. The Duke of Sussex, who refused to sell the right of his memoir...

Prince Harry makes desperate move to end royal rift as he plans moving to...

Prince Harry has just started to spark worries with his U turn on his financial plans Prince Harry’s bid to take a U turn with his post US-life plans have sparked a lot of concerns among fans. GBN America host Nana...

Princess Kate Middleton tells fans she won’t give up – finally speaks up on...

Kate Middleton wins praise from fans for her stunning move Kate Middleton, who once described herself an amateur photographer, has finally succeeded to win praise from fans for her photography skills. The Princess of Wales, who previously landed in hot water...

Meghan Markle braces for major career shift after Prince Harry moves to UK

Prince Harry set to visit UK without dear wife Meghan Markle Meghan Markle is set to bring a major career change with her influential participation in the US election after Prince Harry decides to go on a solo UK visit. According...

Prince William drops new bombshell announcement as Prince Harry suspends his UK visit amid...

Prince William gives up major role after 20 years after getting new titles Prince William made a surprising call to step down from a position that he has held for almost 20 years. The Prince of Wales, who was first appointed...

Meghan Markle finally reacts as Prince Harry makes plans of going back to the...

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tension over UK return laid bare Prince Harry is apprehensive ahead of going back to the UK without Meghan Markle. The Duke of Sussex, who is tipped to return to his homeland over the summers, have...

Prince Harry ridiculed for suffering a slap to his face amid royal rift

Prince Harry’s massive slap to the face has just sparked a lot of reactions Experts have just started to react to the massive slap in the face Prince Harry’s Pat Tillman award acceptance created. Even US Commentator Lee Cohen made his...

Prince Harry left in tears by King Charles as feud deepens with bombshell decision

Prince Harry hurt by King Charles' decision King Charles III has left his younger son Prince Harry heartbroken with his bombshell decision to give a big honour to heir to the throne Prince William. The Duke of Sussex was "deeply wounded"...

Why Kate Middleton never allows anyone to “invade her privacy” at her Royal home

Kate Middleton and Prince William privacy concerns unearthed Kate Middleton and Prince William have a key reason to not have live-in staff, it is revealed. The Prince and Princess of Wales, who deeply enjoy a modest life, do not want their...

Meghan Markle makes final decision on her return to the UK after latest threat

Prince Harry has announced that the 2027 Invictus Games will take place in Birmingham Meghan Markle has revealed her final decision regarding her appearance at the 2027 Invictus Games, which is set to take place in Birmingham. The Duchess of Sussex,...