Prince Harry and Meghan Markle banned from the royal fold after latest “mess” – in new statement

Prince Harry x Meghan Markle
Prince Harry x Meghan Markle Photo

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle have just been ridiculed for the very sorry mess they appear to have found themselves in

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are reportedly drowning in a mess of sorts, and experts have just branded it ‘very sorry’ indeed.

News presenter Sarah Hewson issued these sentiments and claims regarding the Sussexes.

According to a report by OK magazine, she weighed in on the entire thing rather candidly.

The expert even began by calling it ‘sad’ because “mistakes have been made along the way on both sides.”

She also issued a warning regarding the same and said, “as long as there’s … no trust, that’s the fundamental issue here, that those conversations they have are going to end up on a breakfast show or a documentary or on the pages of a book, those conversations just can’t happen.”

All in all she even went as far as to brand the whole thing a “very sorry mess”.

For those unversed, this revelation follows something similar that was recently revealed by Hilary Fordwich.

According to her findings, “It is widely known within the family that Prince William has laid down an absolute ban on Harry returning in any way, shape or form into his former royal family fold.”


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