Prince Harry, Meghan Markle showcasing extreme ungratefulness

Prince Harry x Meghan Markle
Prince Harry x Meghan Markle Photo

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle have just come under fire for their extreme ungratefulness

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s modern fairytale has just come under fire by an expert.

A US-based royal commentator named Lee Cohen made these comments.

His observations began by detailing how the “epitomized” modern fairytale of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is starting to fall.

According to The Sun he even pointed out the biggest reason for the start of the end by claiming, “Harry and Meghan just love to complain. And in America’s largely optimistic society, that is a bad look.”

“While some view the couple’s openness as a brave stance against institutional rigidity, many others perceive it as ungrateful and divisive,” he added later on as well.

According to Mr Cohen, “A segment of Americans, particularly those of us who respect and admire the monarchy, find these repeated criticisms disrespectful and unbecoming.”

“So the Sussexes’ endless narrative of grievance has alienated many who once admired their candour,” as well, he added before signing off.


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